Sunday, September 23, 2018

25 bucks 4 a remote Reiki 1 Attunement, limited time offering.

25 year after learning reiki from the one and only Veronica Vela at the North Carolina School of the Healing Arts, I sooo cherished the flow feeling and energy that I've received and moreover what others that I've attuned have manifested or used to endured life with this extra love or Universal Energy we call Reiki.  Wanting to extend this to more people as was the original purpose of the school 
"The North Carolina School of the Healing Arts, LLC. Our goal is to have at least one person in every home be a natural healer and record keeper."
I'm now offering for a limited time the reduced from our offering via the DC Reiki Center  offering of $75 in person and includes certificates

  • 1st degree, Traditional Usui Reiki remote attunement for $25.00 
  •  PayPal Me or use venmo NelsonJacobsen

 I have been successfully offering for decades this option is now the majority of Attunements including the 3rd degree with teaching it instructions to students around the world.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Finding the common ground to heal.

Having been a Reiki Teacher for a few decades now I've really grown comfortable with the notion that folks don't need me, or any teacher for that matter and that something as universal as Reiki ,which translates into universal energy, is already there for anyone.

So what does a Reiki Teacher do,  for me it's now about finding a common ground with the person that I talking with about healing to use as the framework for how we're going to interact or progress with each other.

I've seen over these decades that Reiki can work with any healing modality and that on it's own or as an adjunct is a very powerful tool that we all can use to ensure that our bodies, mind and spirit can exercise the best options to heal that which ails us.  

That said for the rest of 2015 the will offer 1/2 off all of Reiki 1 attunements since I've also see over these decades that we all need a little bit of help.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 the year we learn to do it together.


So why recreate the wheel, who knows why all the time what we do know is that we're always trying. The thing about that is if you find that your aim, desire, goals or thoughts only include you.  Then you're at a bifurcation point -- choose a or b--  say you've been on a for while try switching to b or vise versa.
FYI We've now entered a time of We-conomics and understanding that means including others from the base or get go -- is now required to move forward.  
Once you've done that you're now openned up for the possibility of co-creation with others and this will allow the you to merge into y'all ( plant a seed ).   Again you reached a bifurcation point.   If  new path allows those ambitions, dreams and goals to be realised then you know you've made the right choice ( it's growing).

If you're doing it alone now you've made the wrong one (try again )

Wanting to be part of the larger picture takes a larger you and by gaining the skills and mastery over oneself is an essential task to establish order.  Reiki is one of many tools and if you would love to learn more about it please visit

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Today is many things depending upon where you are physically located right now.  My good fortune allows me to send as much extra love to those in  Chile, Japan, Libya and wherever the call for more love is needed.

There is one thing however that we can do and it will help to restore us to balance. That is realize the oneness of us all.

The interconnections are being built now between evolving humanism and the overall Universal growth that we now for the first time can fully sync ourselves within the cycles within cycles is ready for those that are willing to step into it this new dimension and meet the community of lightminded souls that awaits for 1 & All.

Join them...........

On Facebook check this out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Set the date for the Feb. Meetup

Thursday the 17th of Feb. 
4530 Wisconsin Ave NW
WashingtonDC 20016
Phone: 202-448-9954
Hours: 8 AM - 8 PM

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Where is the flow

One of the tastier things I have learn over the year with intending reiki <on me & other> is that there is always flow.

Even while there may seem to be none, it exist just as this rose choose to bloom long after every other bud.

Why is up to it and how is pretty simple.   A flow of life exist and it is available.

It is up to us to figure out how we want to use it.  An example in western taught reiki (spirituality in general) is that things are ridge such as only considering using the symbols as presented

There is no reason to not reverse any of them say the energy that you thought would flow was not, thus consider changing what you believe and allow a flow of energy to come from another direction. 

IMHO most of them are pictured in a male/yang patter and if yin/female energy is needed applying as taught would not be helpful and could infact casue both you and the recipient to doubt the whole process and this can be avoided by learning to notice which way the energy and your feelings are flowing.

May your day be blessed. .

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Remote attunement

There is one thing that I have learned in my 17 years of teaching others Reiki and that is that physical presence does not always mean attention is there at the moment.  While on the other side of the curtain, I hope you have felt this, meeting up without geocenticness is more then possible.  Here is a just a short discription of what I mean to get this moving along.

The experience of self is a statistical average over quantum jumps occurred after the last 'wake-up' and the theory of qualia can be formulated in terms of statistical physics. Self experiences the subselves of subself as a statistical average so that self hierarchy means also an abstraction hierarchy. Self has as its geometric correlate so called mindlike spacetime sheets of finite duration with respect to geometric time (as opposed to subjective time determined by the sequence of quantum jumps) and one can understand how psychological time and its arrow emerge. Read More Here

 So now that we can understand how to the trigger is resonance.   I can still remember my first remote attunement in 2005 is was one of the most intense ones cuz I still can remember it clearly. The air was electric and this I believe is what allows us to open substrata of ourself which then give space for substrata's of others to blend within there by connecting.

The thing about it was that I resisted giving them for way too long and you should stop resisting seeking it. 

We have on our website the opportunity for anyone anywhere to learn Reiki and I humbely await the opportunity to do so with them.